I think the irony in here is that people wish [DT] were dead 
Many sins clans dont stay alive for long, since there is not much to compete against.
GE and all other good clans simply disapeared because multiplayer was so u nchalenging and boring. It s a real shame, since Sins is a good game.
For example, the calans do well in game like Supreme commander, where average skill level of a player is way above the average 'i spamm cobalts, then die horribly and quit' sins player.
The lack of intuitive game systems dont help it much.
There is no unit managers, like in sup com. For example, its night impossible for make a "capital ships only" game without a mod. And its almostnight impossible to get anyone playing mod since there is no auto download or archive system in IC.
Same goes for custom made competetion level maps. In random maps, winner is desidet by who gets boned less by the map.