heres an idea for your mod
with Entrenchment you have a deep space constructor that builds starbases what if in later release it could build an ark or colony in a new area of space that is just empty (it could be called empty space) or mabey make them buildable in certain areas like space junks or space plasma storm, gas giant or magnetic storm. That could make those areas of space more important and add a new element to the game. I Think These home made colonies could provide insane bonuses and give each race its own look (just how they made the starbases give each fration its own look) and even surpaceing the starbase in size but have no wepons or defense just the regular plantary defenses. Finally big as they just imagine taking them out the explosion could have effects on nearby planets and ships.
mabey this doesn't have to be in the upcoming expansion mabey someone could mod this idea when Entrenchment comes out iam not really sure if you can mod something like this cause iam not a modder myself but be it in a mod or expansion if this feature came out i would be thrilled