I'm recoding the empire (thanks to evillejedi) for danman's 7 deadly sins mod. that being said i have figured out most of the code on my own and with some help from the community. I would like to know what the name of the coding language used in the entity files is, and if there's any chance of finding a resource or guide on how to add to/improve both game options and performance. thanks for any help!
- matt
... anybody know? ...
can you post some code snippet on here in the next 1/2 hr or so???
AFAIK it's a custom config/scripting code.
is there anywhere i can find to research on it at all? I'd like to learn more than what i see within the current files.
reverse engineering, dissassembling, or otherwise snooping the code not specifically granted to us by the godly copyright owners is a breach of the EULA. That being said, message me when you find more info I want to be able to make better mods too
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