I only don´t understand, what does it mean e.g. "3000dmg" over 25 sec - is it hull value???
A ship dies when it reaches 0hull, but before it even starts to do dmg to the Hull of the ship it must overcome the shields of the ship--->
That means that if a ship has 600 Hull and 900Shield you will need to hit it for 1500dmg before you kill it.
If you try that you will find that the ship is still alive after you deal 1500dmg to it, THAT is because of shield migitation--> Shieldmigitation is the shields abillity to nullify a certain % of the dmg it recives(if you mouseover a ship you will see that it says 15% shield migitation on the innfo card) The way it works is just like reallife stabproof wests, it's all soft but the more power you apply the harder it gets so you need even morepower to punch through- in the game it starts at 15% maing that if you do 100dmg you are really only doing 85 furthermore it increases the more dmg you apply untill it caps out at ( i think it's 65% for non advent). At 65% doing 100dmg would only result in 45 actual dmg done.
The way the Marza's missile barage abillity works is
Missile Barrage (ultimate ability)
Level available: 6
Antimatter cost: 150
Cooldown time: 240
Affects: enemy frigates, capital ships and structures
Range: self
Area radius: 10000
Max targets: infinite
Duration: 25
Missile salvos: 20
Salvo interval: 1.25
Damage per salvo: 150
Notes: The important thing to note about this ability is that it's channeling, so it will stop if you give the Marza other commands while it's firing, and that it takes a long time to finish. Turn off auto-everything when using this lest your capital ship decide it's a good time to, say, auto-attack a scout in the middle of your barrage. Again, the in-game info doesn't really describe what this ability does. Namely, while it's firing, the Marza shoots missiles at every target within range, each of which does 150 damage. If uninterrupted, the Marza will shoot 20 multiple-target missile salvos over 25 seconds. Obviously, this is best used against clusters of enemy targets around the Marza. Given that the Marza can't really move while firing, an enemy can move their ships out of range (or just interrupt the ability), but enemy structures within range and ships that don't notice the copious number of explosives spewing out of the Marza are fair game.
Each salvo deals 150dmg it fires 20slavoes = 3000 dmg
If we set the shield migitation to be maxed out from the start (65%) it wold really only do 1350dmg to each ship, but asit take a while to get the migitation all the way up im geussing it ends up being around 2000 to each
BTW shieldmigitation is allways activ even when the shields are at 0 power
and has been invented to counter the traditional tactial choice to just focus fire, if you have all your ships fireing on just 1 enemyship you loose 65% of you dmg if you spread your fire you loose less but give him time to repair / replace ships as the ships taking dmg dies slower