I was thinking since this game was so complex i think it would be nice to see if we could compile a list of things that each race is good at. Specialties and whatnot. Besides it will help me choose a permenant faction. Things like generalizations and specialties.
TEC: Armor, Credit Economy
Advent: Shields, Culture, strike craft, Planetary bombament isn't as fast as TEC or Vasari
Vasari: Phase missles, resource economy, Phase technology (phase stabilizers and RA)
Observation by Infinite Void
I'm going to periodically update this if it becomes a poplular post.
Vasari also have an advanced phase detection, allowing you to track fleet movements anywhere in the system, very nice if you want to see what you're up against.
If you want to boil it down to bare basics this is what I've observed -
Vasari - Firepower: With their advanced weaponry the Vasari dominate the other races when it comes to overall firepower. Phase missles can bypass shields leaving their hulls in poor condition once the wave cannons and pulse emitters take down the shields. RA will bolster Vasari fleets with more high powered ships for FREE. Vasari also have the best Recon technologies
Advent - Damage absorbtion: The best shielding tech in the game, and with the Iconus guardians dividing 1/3 of the dmage a ships shields might take to other ships, the Advent can withstand a lot of punishment. The advent also have the most powerful culture and strikecraft.
TEC - Numbers: 2 words, Industrial Juggernaut, sum up the TEC. Upgrades reducing production time and cost of all ships and structures make their strength their capacity for production. Coupled with the economic upgrades you can pump out high powered units faster then any other races. I would compare their strength to the Zerg(Starcraft) or Undead (Warcraft III).
That's my take on it.
Observation by Deciever_0
Vasari are more mobile, and are more long game based, as when they hit the fleet cap, their fleet will almost always win. They have better abilities (mainly the Evacuator's) they even have mobile phase stabilizers (marauders)
yeah in the poll tec is the most popular and vasari the least, and yet most formers play vasari is seems.
I like all races equally and I can't decide on a personal favorite. The Vasari have great mobility with the phase gates but I don't like their looks. The Advent look terrific and their culture is powerful. Their strikecraft can consume enemy fleets because you can quickly get swarms of them. Their tradeports set to resource focus can be really good. On a Desert Planaet, try filling the logistics with all trade ports set to fully upgraded resource focus. You will have extractor rates of 200% or more. The TEC look cool as well, and have great economic boosts like the logistics upgrade with Development Mandate, as well as the rapid construction of ships with Industrial Juggernaut. In my opinion, it seems that the Vasari have less ships, but they are expensive, powerful ships that are going to make you pay to kill them off. The Advent have ships that are alright in combat but really hard to kill, so they stay in the battle forever. Especially if Guardians are in the fleet. The TEC ships are sometimes meh. Not particuarly great, but cheap. You can kill alot of them, but it doesn't matter because their economy is so good they will be quickly replaced.
Observation by Steveroof
In my opinion vasari strike craft can compete with the advent... Though they do so by kicking ass on another field.
Vasari strike craft pro's:
- phase missiles
- verry resilient
- If you feel like buying the cap ship the skirantra gives a nice bonus too your vasari strike crafts
- Few in numbers(quality makes up for it)
Advent strike craft pro's:
- Rapture class gives extra damage output ( Although I don't have the feeling it goes up against the vasari firepower)
- Actualy the strike craft quality themselves aren't something too write home about (numbers make up for it)
Observation by Flipkik
The way that I see it is that the Advent really are the balance between the two races. The TEC have numbers, the Vasari have power, and the Advent meet right in between, along with their ability to survive. If an Advent fleet goes down, it goes down kicking and screaming. *Phew* But that's what I love about them! And if youre into static defenses, (like me, don't underestimate them) they're top-notch with their hangers
The Vasari, inversely, are all about their fleets. A Vasari fleet will really just plow through anything in their way and take it. It comes at a price, however; it almost seems like they have a growing appetite, and if you want to survive it's almost a necessity to start taking other planets to quench their thirst. If you can, though, then they're a force to be reckoned with. (mostly just with their fleets, but hey, if you've got the most powerful fleet on the map, you don't need much else. )
The TEC are incredibly versatile, and their fleet can be tailored for certain circumstances much easier because they can boost their economy so well. If the enemy fleet has a lot of strike craft, you can crank out flak and Percheons quickly, and inversely, if they're hard-hitting, you can get a bunch of cheap Hoshikos in there. Their greatest strength, however, comes from their ability to survive. Even if they have only a couple of planets, they can keep their selves going with the incredible economy they can accumulate. That's my general overview of each race.
Observation by Infernal Creator
I feel infernal creator hit the nail on the head with the overview. I think this is what new players need. A way to see how each race plays based on units and tech tree.
This is becoming quite the list i'd say i hope this gets stickied just for new players who would like to choose a race. That would be great.
P.S. sorry if i forgot anyone