Is it really so impossibly difficult to understand that free, unrestricted patches are the industry norm?
I agree with you on this point, well I pretty much said why already. My friend having bought the game cannot update her game simply because she has no net access, having an unrestricted patch will solve this, or at least have a separate download linked to your account, that way she can go into the downloads section and download it at work.
What in fuck's name is this vague "support" that everyone keeps talking about? I am not looking for "support," whatever that means, I'm looking for a patch. That said, second hand items don't seem to be much of a problem for anyone else. If I e-mail Nvidia for tech support or want to download drivers from them, they aren't going to ask me if my GPU is new or second hand, they don't care.
You know a simpler way of saying this is "the patch will be released anyway to support consumers so it should be freely open".
Second hand items are completely normal. I suggest you build a bridge and get over it.
True to an extent but it depends what it is. I think that movies and games a different due to the sheer expenses that are involved in both of them, movies don't have it so bad however due to cinema releases. If games had a "cinema" moment before release then second hand releases wouldn't be much of a problem. I do admit that I myself buy second hand games, but not so much nowadays as I'm no longer a pimply faced youth.
Where was the warning sticker informing me that a used copy can't be updated or played online? Nowhere. I also couldn't have possibly anticipated such a thing, because it's very rare for games that aren't MMORPGs or something similiar.
I feel that they should not have to even label it that way. For any corporation, when you buy anything it's to that consumer only, they have no warrant to think about the second hand market. If people sell them second hand then you should complain to them.
It can't be updated. Multiplayer doesn't work either.
Other than the updates, I think it's perfectly acceptable that those that did not buy the game first hand should have teh ability to play the game online unless the serial is transferred by the previous owner after paying a small nominal fee. When I bought X2 for second hand I was not able to download a "no CD" crack from their website as my serial was obviously taken. After emailing their support they moved the serial to my account so that I could, however they mentioned that they normally do not do this, but in my circuimstance they gave me the benefit of a doubt.
I do like to ask you one thing though, do you have any other vocabulary than the word "fuck" in it? Swearing so much isn't going to help your cause and only makes you come across arrogantly.