I normally avoid forums and chat rooms like the plague and I originally posted this to the Entrenchment beta forum on the advice of Stardock. However Shadowhal graciously pointed out that not all of my suggestions were appropriate to Entrenchment beta forum so I think I’ve found where it goes. I don’t use forums or chat facilities (Don’t ask!) so apologises if I don’t follow the normal etiquette sorry!! Also apologise in advance for poor spelling, order and anything else you may encounter and take offence at. Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.
Have the scuttle command act as the self destruct (similar to the overrides on the TEC Starbase). Then have a scrap command which has the ship/ station scrapped for resources. Ships would have to return to an allied shipyard though.
Have the option to lay mines in uncontrolled system for all factions.
Once a starbase is constructed in a system you can’t colonise (i.e. wormhole, stars) then you should be able to construct additional turrets. Stars should be able to have 2-4 stations build around them so you can dominate them completely.
TEC scout should have a switch-able speed boost.
Planetary militias should also construct mines from the beginning. This means you need a scout to locate them as you send your capital ship in to invade.
When culture overwhelms a planet then instead of the colony disappearing then it should defect to the opposing culture. This will improve the culture war as the opposition will gain a free colony.
Militias and Pirates should have capital ships. Perhaps limit it to pirates latter on in the game.
Have another Capital. I usually have control over two systems and am battling in a third. The option to purchase another capital and further reduce corruption would greatly aid my economy.
Please give us the option to name frigates please.
The Vasari should also have the option to mine the actual hyper-lanes. They are the most technologically advanced after all. That would be a nasty surprise.
The option of building outposts that have limited weapons but trade and give you sight of that system.
Could we please have a ubiquitous eye artefact which gives the owner ship and planet vision for all factions and regions of space including unclaimed space!
Give planets the option of stationing fighters and weapons on them. If a planet could attack a ship as it bombards them then it would add another layer.
Bombardments should also have the option to only target the population. TEC could have chemical weapons and the Advent a psi attack. This means that you gain all the plants infrastructure without the cost of building it.
While on the subject of bombardments I’d like to say that I like that bombarding ships are not able to engage space targets also. (I think that this is true but I’m open to correction)
This is one area I think could be absolutely upgraded
Vasari should have mobile shipyards.
Shipyards should also have a repair role. I often in my game have shipyards sitting idle just in the event I need to rapidly construct a fleet due to combat losses. A repair role which would naturally increase the cost of a shipyard would also make these structures more useful. If you can build something there then you can normally repair it their also.
Repair bays should therefore have a reduced cost, ¼ or a third of a shipyard as repair facilities are more common then construction
I noticed that Starbases do not draw from the ship support total (the construction ships do) and think that this is a good thing. I think Starbases should add to the total.
The total support should also reflect the size of the empire. Planets/ population should influence it. If my empire is twice the size of yours then I should be able to field twice the units. You should be able to construct support stations or recruitment centres which increase your fleet size in addition to the already existing tech upgrades.
The number of capital ships you can build should also be flexible.
One area that will probably appear in a sequel is the ability to capture ships and structures. The Advent rapture battle cruiser can but all races should be able to. Capital ships should be able to send in shuttles of marines to seize the ship. Additional Limpet frigates would also have this function.
You should be able to steal enemy tech and use it to your advantage. In war both sides attempt to steal the others technological secrets. The TEC would steal the Vasaris tech but they would want the TEC economical expertise.
If you were able to steal a opponents science structures then you should gain some of his research.
You should be able to set missions for the other factions as well as receive them. You should also be able to request resources the same. Trading tech, planets and ships would also be a boom.
With the sole exception of the phase cloak this is an area which is so far ignored by SoaSE. Active camouflage and the like should be available which reduce the range at which they are detectable. Some ships may have to travel slowly but you should be able to tip toe around the gravity well of the opposition and hit him in the rear if he has not got scouts or perhaps sensor stations.
If entrenchment is the present stage of war then stealth is as important as brute force, perhaps more so.
That’s my two cents and I’m sure most of it will meet some polite disagreement but if my ideas can serve as a catalyst for the guys at ironclad and Stardock then thanks. The games good. We the fans are trying to help you make it better. Keep up the good work.
You may now start with the flames and telling me I posted it in the wrong place. Please tell me where to post it while telling me off otherwise its worse then useless. FYI my next request would be how to move it but I won’t get picky yet.
Thanks for letting me have my say.