Yep, i have made these models... and some other like a starbase for the rogue... my last one is a carrier cruiser for "the Dark" race... it will replace the Lasurak transporter ( Vasari ) that they use now... In fact, i need to create a full new line of ship and planet module for these race... so, i will be enough busy the next few months...
Hey Thoumsim or any one ow can i get thoses moddels in sins fast i just wan to have an andromeda flying while i code it would help alot around my motivation
i tryed but my skils when dealing wit models are REALY limited
Cannot help you... i make model, in some rare case, i make the UV and texture them ( not very good at it, i am on the learning path )... have try to use XSI for create the needed null point but i hate XSI... this is a work for other people, not for me... and the guy who will make these work for you need to know where you wish put the weapons point, the ability point, the truster point, etc... these need to be added in XSI to the mesh... before all this, UV map need to be created and making the texture will be a great help too else your model will be full black in Sins...
You really need a team... not only one working on mesh and one working on the game code... You need texturer, they are mainly very good with photoshop or gimp and have a good artistic mind... Some other will work on the particule effect ( truster, weapons )... some will use the model and texture, add some null point and create a .mesh file compatible with sins...
PS: without "code", the ship will never fly in Sins... you need to create a entity file for the ship, having one "player" file using these ship, havind a some entry added to the English.str, having some icon for it on the HUD ( need to edit some tga file ), etc ... having a ship flying in sins is a late stage of the project... you are not yet there...