The story goes like this:
1. I've bought SOASE
2. I registered on the forum
3. My friend asked me if I can borrow him the game to install it
4. I've found out that the game can be updated through Impulse
5. Asked my friend to give me the cd key that was on the cd box to update it
6. He gave it to me, but it seems like there are 5 characters missing
7.Posted a ticket to Stardock for the serial key problem
8. They wanted pictures of the box & the serial
9. My friend took a shot of the cd box & the serial & sent them to me
10. I've sent them to Stardock
11. And now I am waiting for a reply from Stardock.
12.Now here is the real fun. How can I be registered on the forum with a weird serial?
13. And finally: should I sue the game shop for selling a damaged and probably used serial number (I'm guessing they wipe out the last 5 characters) if Stardock can't solve the problem with the serial?
I'm guessing this will end up bad for me because the last note ended up on the number 13 
But, who am I kidding? My sister is a lawyer!!!!!!!