"Im in ur frig.... eat'n ur foodz" !!!
I'm in your bathroom....peeing on your seat
i'm in your bed... wet dreaming in your bed
I'm at your work...spreading lies about you
Ooops, this is NOT COOL!!
I thought it would be fun to have something funny, but this is definately NOT COOL!! Why do ppl have to be weird?
Maybe the devs can delete this to get rid of the inappropriate entries.
I'm in ur thread, locking your topic.
LOL - im lol at your comment
*edit* Damn, it was funny when I typed it.
I'm in ur head, reading your dirty thoughts.
Just to clarify; whose head?
All of them!
*cackles maniacally*
<Furry, remember?
Yes, but you still have a head?
Yah. Furry + Dirty Thoughts = !!!
Still probably better than half of the rest...
Right... I've searched the net before... Point taken.
Sounds like you should have some stories to share with the rest of us, then!
Good thing I'm going to work now, huh?
I'm in your conversation...posting something pointless
Not really, because I am too.
The Classic .....
.... I.m in ur base.... killing ur dudes!!
I believe this was from the classic StarCraft days...
My base only has dudettes in it.
Haha!! Touche'
well.... then....
"i'm in ur 'puter.... disconnecting the internet...
look out Dudettes!!!
PLEASE disconnect the 'net on my work PC so I have a reason to go home early, damnit.
Home, to my dudettes.
I'm in your monitor, using up your text.
I'm in ur Filez.... Deleting ur Gamez!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....... !!!
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