But the main problem with dismantler is that their is no counter. Unless your fighting in your own system and have the repair bays you can't match our out repair the 30 dps to hull. And even vasary cannot neglect the -6 armor point with its support ship. And for each point of armor lost that means roughly 5% more damage done to target. So lvl1 -2 armor emans +10% dmg, lvl2 -4 armor means +20% dmg, lvl3 -6 armor means +30%dmg. Now combine that with phase missile that will ignore mitigation you end up with a shit load of damage from just 1 abilaty that has no counter to it otehr then to killt he cap.
So nerfing the nano dissambler and uppping the Vulkoras lvl6 Disintigration would amke sence in that it make and ultimate abilaty more valuable then a standard one, makes other vasary caps valuable and its actuly now possible to defend counter the abilaty wich makes for a greater balance.
Thank you Eadtaes. Exactly what i was trying to say about the armor.Its rediculous even early on.
As for the Egg / Evacuator, if you have a fleet, you should be able to kill it almost as fast as it and some assailants can kill your cap. The Evacuator is easy to kill....just put your Illuminators on it while you pull your caps back. Once any race has a big fleet, it is easy to kill a capship, unless it is something like a Kol or a Kortul...or if they have tons of repair with them. Bottom line, don't leave your caps in the middle of the gravwell where they have no time to run if the other guy has tons of firepower.
Cykur... Initial fleet of 15 lrf and the egg can decimate ur cap even if you have 15 ilums I dont think you could match it. Level 2 or 3 egg is EXTREMELY dangerouse with that many assailants. Its hard to even run away. If they show up you might as well get your cap out instantly or say bye. I dont play vasari so I dont know what level it is but when it does -4 armor is really bad. Even if your tech you dont have hoshikos in the begining and even if you do my cap barely survives to run away by that point in game. I mostly play advent and its the same thing because advent has no repair ships till late. It just really makes the game not fun when all you can do is run and keep your caps away from the battle.