I'm desperate.
Chief complaint: Vista suddenly won't boot (no boot device detected). There is no DVDs in the drive and i unplug any flash memory drives from the ports.
If i try to repiar the vista installation, it states incompatible version.
Past history:
When i first built this computer, vista will refuse to boot if it did not shut down properly or the power cut off suddenly.
In the past, i choose repair installation via vista installation disk.
Afterwards, I assumed that after vista updates or whatever... the problem never came back.
Now 6 months later... I turn on my computer one morning and it will not boot and I can't repair the installation.
Either it was a faulty vista 64 bit installation, bad hard disk sector, or bad luck?
I guess my only option is to format and do a fresh install...but i have to go thru some hurdles like getting my files out of the hard drive before formatting (a pain in the butt). Vista is installed on my western digital velociraptor.
Asus P5Q Pro Intel P45, G.Skill 4GB (2GB x 2)
Core 2 Duo 8400
WD VelociRapter 300GB, Samsung Spinpoint F1 500GB
XFX Geforce 9800 GTX
What are some good programs to check for bad hard drive sectors?