If that were true, how is it that Sony has any exclusives? I mean, if Microsoft were able to buy every Sony exclusive, wouldn't they have done so?
Sorry, but mindless Microsoft hate isn't an argument.
not exactly, while Ms are bastards in every sense of the word, they are also smart, else they would have gone down in flames long ago.
They are picking off the top and most anticipated titles from SE/other ps3 developers in a ditch to pull those fans over to the 360 that they think they can get away with.
SO4 makes perfect sense in that reguard, a game born on the PS consoles gets exclusivity on the xbox.
While it might anger (which it has) the fan base originally, some players will start thinking, 'hell, maybe I should get a 360, all the games I have been waiting for are going over there'.
So you are saying MS's ability to pay any dev hundreds of millions (probably not that much, but maybe) to make the game exclusive or released before a sony or nintendo version has not and will not happen? sorry, but maybe you dont really know the real microsoft then lol.
Um, no. Rare's only entry into StarFox was crap, and their latest entry into DK was also crap. Rare was in a major slump when Nintendo sold it to Microsoft. Only recently has Rare started to make decent games again.
touche about Starfox adventures, I thought it was marginally ok, but all the same, could have sworn i saw their logo on SF64 though .
anyway, they were in a slump yes, but they are now out of that slump because they were sold to ms? doubt it, they would have gone on to produce the same games for nintendo systems instead of the xbox.
Please. Console wars came into existence the day there were two competing consoles. And flaming over specs has been around since Sega and Nintendo went at it in Genesis vs. SNES.
Blaming Microsoft for console wars is just silly.
not what i implied. What i was trying to convey is that between the ps3 and wii, there is little arguement over which is the stronger system, a line not so well defined with the 360.
there's been hundreds of billions of posts made (probably... ) about which system is stronger powerwise, and just about as many flames wars because of said fuzzy line.
that is what I was talking about. Now when it comes to functionality, the wii is a bit better then both the ps3 and 360 as theres more actual motion sensing involved in most of its games.
If you're a Sony fan, abandoning the 360 is the last thing you want them to do. Because if they do that, they'll turn to the Wii, not the PS3. The Wii is the dominant console everywhere. And if you think cross-platform 360/PS3 development is hard, cross-platform Wii/PS3 development is almost impossible. And almost always not worth the costs involved.
true and yet not so true at the same time. A FF game could never work correctly on the wii, neither could a Star Ocean or Secret of X game, and still keep the basic control design. like it might end up sort of how Twilight Princess ended up with certain motion sensor cues for certain attacks.
Or if they released a special controller I suppose.
and also you are wrong about the wii being the only alternitive. If the 360 had not ever been created, more people would have bought at least a 20, if not a 60 or 80, gig ps3 along with the wii. Makes sense as people would still have the 400 or so they would have spent on the 360.
this means ther would be a bigger player base then there is now and developers would probably be making more gmaes for it.
Point is that when MS brought in the xbox it shattered the balance between Sony and Nintendo by adding a third major console to develop for hence making the dev's have to decide if they want to spend the money to develop a game on all three consoles or sell out to the highest bidder(s). and with the global economy going down the tubes, it's just sickening to see ms flaunt it's money in the ps3 communities face.