Get ready for phase 3 of the Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment beta!
IMPORTANT: You MUST fully uninstall Sins of a Solar Empire & Entrenchment before updating to Beta 3!
Gameplay / Balance:
-New Manifest System allows for original Sins and Entrenchment to coexist (see below for great new mod capabilities).
-Added quick start game option that starts you w/ all resource extractors, a cap factory, 2 scouts and full population upgrades on your home planet in addition the frigate factory you'd normally get.
-Capital planets are now much more valuable and tuned to prevent stalls in the early game.
-Capital Planet PlanetUpgrade now grants bonus metal and crystal income.
-Normalized all home planet credit income.
-General AI improvements:
-Can be in attack state now factors in allies helping.
-Retreating should be somewhat better (this is part 1 of a whole new revamping of this system).
-Fix ogrovs not coming into attack against regular structures.
-Fix AI interpreted threat values of structures and starbases.
-AI attack assembling pathfinding now checks if their is a path that doesn't have a heavily defended planet (in addition to enemy planets).
-Fix AI building so many antifighters.
-AI can now assemble around a starbase instead of just empty space or orbital defense.
-Fixed AI not lining up properly when assembling.
-AI will now capture and defend neutral resource nodes.
-AI now longer counts starbases for countering if the starbase isn't constructed.
-Improve AI's use of mine clearers.
-Improve default mine clearing behavior of scouts (most importantly, even if you haven't turned on autoattack, a scout in mine clearing mode will still attack mines). (Still broken in some situations)
-Colonize, build starbase, and capture resource missions now consider mines when determining if a given planet is too dangerous or not for the AI.
-Fix AI over-estimation and infocard display of capital ship weapon damage as they level up.
-Added basic AI building of Vasari and Advent mines. More to come.
-Improved AI starbase placement.
-Lots of minor stuff and more to come.
-Carrier cruisers now suffer a strike craft build rate penalty if enemy combat units are in the same gravity well.
-Exposed the infocard value for build rate penalties to be on the cruiser in addition to the squadron itself.
-All races' anti-strike craft frigate weapon range increased 20%.
-All races' weapon platform structure's attack type changed from ANTIMEDIUM to CAPITALSHIP.
-ANTIVERYLIGHT attack type's damage modifier vs Module armor type reduced from 50% to 35%.
-ANTILIGHT attack type's damage modifier vs Module armor type reduced from 50% to 35%.
-ANTIMEDIUM attack type's damage modifier vs Module armor type reduced from 75% to 50%.
-ANTIVERYHEAVY attack type's damage modifier vs Module armor type reduced from 75% to 65%.
-COMPOSITE attack type's damage modifier vs Module armor type reduced from 100% to 75%.
-CAPITALSHIP attack type's damage modifier vs Module armor type reduced from 100% to 75%.
Ogrov Torpedo Cruiser:
-Front bank damage reduced from 1000 to 900.
-Fleet supply cost increased from 8 to 12.
-Resource cost increased from 490/100/70 to 620/130/95 credits/metal/crystal.
-Max hull points increased from 580 to 610.
-Max shield points increased from 275 to 295.
Solanus Adjudicator:
-Front bank damage increased from 50 to 55.
-Resource cost increased from 1100/210/135 to 1210/235/160 credits/metal/crystal.
Orkulus star base
-Stabilize Phase Space duration increased from 75 to 240 secs.
-Stabilize Phase Space cooldown increased from 90 to 320 secs.
-Pulse Gun damage increased from 146 to 186 for all banks.
-Disintegrator weapon damage type changed from AntiHeavy to AntiModule.
-Phase Missile damage increased from 300 to 325 for all banks.
-1st level of Assault Systems upgrade time reduced from 60 to 25 secs.
-new 3rd level of Assault Systems upgrade now grants 30% weapon damage increase to the star base.
Antorak Marauder
-Stabilize Phase Space is no longer a channeling ability, but is still interruptable.
TEC Hangar platform
-Flak turret upgrade weapon range increased from 3250 to 4500.
Advent Homing Mines
-No longer decelerate during their approach to target just prior to detonation.
-Now deal 150 of their 850 damage to all enemy targets within a radius of the primary target.
-Deployment radius increased by ~100%
-Target acquisition and loss ranges increased slightly to account for the deployment radius increase potentially placing mines further from the most common vertical movement range of targets.
TEC Proximity Mine
-Damage reduced from 1200 to 1000
Sivuskras Ruiner
-Explosive Mine damage reduced from 1200 to 1000
-Mines deployed per ability use increased from 6 to 10 (cost rebalanced to be roughly the same per mine)
-Mine deployment radius increased by ~100%
-Adjudicator is now able to fire when saved games are loaded.
-Fix starbases attacking before constructed (likewise with a variety of other structures).
-Mine placement changed so that they are more tightly clustered about the area in which ships are most likely to travel.
-Reduced starbase build and upgrade time modifier in hostile gravity wells from 2.5x to 2.25x
-Fixed an exploit with Pervasive economy and refunding.
-Area of effect repair abilities no longer autocast on undamaged, partially built structures.
-Subversion will now end if its planet becomes owned by friendly empires.
-Friendly units destroyed by a friendly Argonev's Last Resort ability no longer grant experience to friendly capital ships.
-Star bases are now affected by orbit body specific effects such as the antimatter charging at stars.
-Fixed bug where research prerequisites that included subjects your race did not have access to were evaluated as being satisfied instead of not. (Mind control bug)
-Removed unintended weapon on Vasari Hangar platforms.
-Dense core and porous core exclusive.
-Mine deployment through abilities now fails out at the appropriate places if the mine limit in the gravity well has been reached.
-Autocast for Vasari and Advent mines added.
-Reduced flair points Vasari orbital cannon.
-Fixed angle of approach of Advent meteors.
-Clutter reduction on shield projector effect.
Sound / Music:
-Entrenchment vocals pass 1 added.
-New TEC Cobalt vocals.
-Fix for annoying TEC repair cruiser sounds.
-Fixed frequent "structures complete" audio for mines. Now only reports when each batch is complete.
-Ogrovs using correct sounds now.
-TEC starbase constructor has general order response now.
-Better meteor sounds.
Networking / Multiplayer:
-Fixed sync bug.
User Interface / HUD:
-Other players' silent pings are no longer visible.
-Fix Vasari cannon ability string being too long.
-Crew training research now shows the correct max trainable level.
-Shuffled some research subjects around to hook up more pre-reqs where they are logical and to better fill the space.
-Added Starbase lost event.
-Stats added for mines/starbases/starbase upgrades.
-PlayerRanking now accounts for starbases.
-Fixed tec mine placement radius.
-Single player Game speed buttons added to the HUD.
-Empire search function for starbases added.
-Starbases integrated into planet construction (i.e so you can do things like select a neutral or enemy planet and get access to your starbase's build menu).
-Tooltips for mini pirate window added.
-Strike craft squadrons belonging to star bases now appear in the bottom pip ring of a planet's icon group instead of one of the side ones.
-Fleet supply used by ships queued for construction now displays the correct amount in infocards (was always calculated correctly for simulation).
-Alt now shows you ship icons and all even in cinematic mode.
-Exposed the infocard value for build rate penalties to be on the carrier cruiser in addition to the squadron itself.
-Fixed assorted typoes and grammatical errors (thanks for the emails!)
-Mine scuttle times are now data driven. (Exposing a lot more items for data driving is in progress).
-New Manifest System allows for stacking of mods. Priority of order is controlled from the mod option screen. Mods closer to the top of the list are higher priority. (Please stress this if possible as it was difficult to predict how you might want to combo mods)
-Numerous crash fixes.
-More memory savings.