Intesting that we are now down to just over a week left and a thread finally pops up the subscription drive.
The subscription drive has been going on for awhile now. Other than Frogboy's analysis of the financial situation there has not been very much discussed in the forums, just a few reminders. I hang around the IRC and it is not a topic there.
I suppose you can take it one of two ways, the community, in general, is just not all that conerned about it (interest in skinning may be on the decline) or the community is saying to Frogboy that it is your company, do as you wish or need to do so that subscribers will continue to receive benefits.
I personally am subscribed through next year for WinCustomize and through 2011 for Object Desktop Ultimate. I know there are alot of members that have also done that, some maybe even for a longer time. We do that because we like the community here and the benefits of subscribing. It is though somewhat unfair that a small percentage of the members continue to do that so others enjoy the same benefits.
Okay, had my say and voiced my opinion. Subscribing, like everything else you do in life is your decision.