rule #1 DONT SPAM CAP, its hugely expensive to upg capitol ship crew past 4ish. and the biggest problem is that you need your capitol ships high lvl. tonsa lvl 1 caps suck ass and you dont want to split exp betwen all your capitols
rule #2 PICK THE RIGHT ONES, advent start with a progen, then get halcyon for beam buff and tele push vs carrier fleets. TEC you need a marza for planet bombing and eventually missle barrage, and a Kol for flak burst. vasari use an egg and for the love of god dont buy a second cap until you get it to lvl 6, planet suct is such a MASSIVE advantage for vasari its unacceptable to split exp between another cap your egg needs 100% of the exp.
rule #3 DONT LET IT DIE, keep repair bays handy, keep all focus and you micro centered around your capitol cuz when it goes boom your crippled. recognize the treats to your cap, many bombers will shred your captol ships. so will nano bomb from vasari evacuator supported by minimal fleet. upg assailants are nasty to your capitol ships. watch for an enemy trying to trap you cap in a gravity well. evacuator can disable phase jumps, so can akkon and subverters. coupled with a jump inhibitor your caps doomed. never let an enemy build a jump inhibitor where your fighting, dont jump your cap into a planet that has a jump inhib unless your sure you can get it out before BOOM
rule #4 PRIORITIZE YOUR EXP, this is the one that i respect the most in a skilled player, i see people bone this up all the time even my fellow DTs. *cough* Howthe? mr eleventy billion lvl 1-2 caps *cough* as vasari i personally believe my number one goal is to get my egg to lvl 6. dont destroy enemy factories if they are loseing and just feeding you lrf for exp. never leave cap to bomb planets and continue with fleet unless its already 6 get that exp. try and keep your fight a 1 front war so your cap is getting 100% of the exp of all kills you get. once you have a lvl 6 egg take it outa the fight and suct planets and stick your 2nd cap in to get 100% of exp if you can afford to. early game when clearing planets make sure your caps getting all that exp from malitia. planet bombers are soft and worth 60 exp =D
-TYRS SIGNATURE MICRO TRICKS- =D to help level up your capitols ships EARLY GAME
*terran or desert have 20+ militia on it? instant lvl 6 is so nice but its early and i have no fleet
thats ok heres how you clear it with just a capitol and a scout. jump you scout in and que it in a circle around gravity well and all 20+ mailitia play ring around the rosey all day while you pick of planet bombers colo, build a repair and some beam/missle plats then jump scout out and tear em up
*if you have someones fleet covered horribly but you have em at a contested undug in planet (maybe uncolonized) or a choke point, instead of hitting full force so they reteat and dig in. attack with the smallest/or most lopsided amount/composition you feel comfortable with so they stay and cuz they think they can take you so you can lvl your cap. usually carriers so they can pick off those tasty lil 30 exp lrf.