Okay, stats are calculated and in!
The Winner Is (as you already know): FinisKalan, for the last tug to 400. Also, note that he posted a bare 16 seconds after Loupdinour.
I've made a brief change. There will be 4 mvps, two from each team.
UP Team
MVP #1, the best MVP of them all, and the top poster for the UP team is, obviously, FinisKalan, with a whopping 115 posts. Great job, and get a life! Lulz.
MVP #2, the second best MVP of them all is...Loupdinour, with 82 posts! Apparently having massive fangs helps when playing tug of war. Moving on...
MVP #1, this guy (or girl, i didn't check) came from behind to be the best player on the DOWN team. That person is Cypher, who beat out Sole Soul for the most downward posts.
MVP #2, who i gave away above, is Sole Soul. He was barely beaten out by Cypher (47-42), but still made a valiant effort!
There will now be karma awarded, as promised.
And I have a few awards!
The Person With No Life Award goes to...FinisKalan, because, seriously, holy crap. 115 posts, that's more than half the needed posts to win. Wow dude, just...wow.
Smash Talkin' Award goes to FinisKalan, Loupdinour, and Cypher, for that brief randomness on page 37. Something involving Rosie clones. *Shudder*
Best Comeback Award goes to Cypher, for becoming the best MVP for DOWN Team and for being pretty much the only opposition towards the end.
Well, that finishes Game 2, 0-200-400.
Here's the complete Stats Chart, for every player. I ditched the lines for numbers, makes it easier to read.
DarthCaedusMorgan: 40
FinisKalan: 115
Loupdinour: 82
Ravok2789: 2
Calania: 24
CaptainYar: 2
Noobsauce: 2
Heft: 3
Fujuki: 12
-OW- Athena: 2
Dragon on Wheels: 1
Hack78: 5
Maccilia: 1
Cypher: 47
Othello: 1
Bartholemue: 13
Sole Soul: 42
Warnstaff: 2
Bonday2: 1
Bhereg: 2
Another game, anyone?