I would like to say is that I dislike how you target almost every ability, even if they do scale well. Maybe Kol's flak burst does need a AM buff, maybe it doesn't, but the fact remains that it scales well as fleets get larger, so it doesn't really fit with the theme of your topic. I also think that some abilities (such as magnetize and EMP charge) do scale well because they can be used against capital ships. If caps are stronger, then anti-cap disruption abilities inherently get more important.
I don't know, but I am very and extremely annoying when Dunov slowly turns against a target and shoot the ability, then turns to continue to shoot (remember, Dunov fires weapons from sides, not front) That's very unnecessary waste of time and micro/timing needed. And hey shield restore and flux field are not frontal while other two are; we have a inconsistency here and it really makes the whole ship somewhat unfinished. And as a support capitals, as far as I know there really isn't ability which can be only fired from frontal cone. Hey even ion bolt is not frontal!
Maybe Kol burst does not need any change, but Dunov's issue is the one must be addressed, IMO.
Agree on colony frigates; long overdue. Disagree on capital ship max upgradable levels. While 5 is arguable, the 6th level should not be purchasable. I strongly feel that has to be earned. Early on, you can always attack a pirate base or something to get that level anyways, but the point is you can't do it while sitting around picking your nose. This is important for FFA's, since getting out and fighting is necessary to raise your capital ship levels, whereas if you can get to level 6 you can get all the abilities that really matter anyways without ever having to raise a finger.
Hmmm, so you don't want to get a nice level 6 cap while I can get a whooping 30 heavy cruisers to rape your precious capital ships?
The survival issue on capital ships are broken in late game, since any concentrated fire (i.e +40 LRFs, or +20 HCs, or hundreds of fighters and/or bombers) WILL KILL your capital unless you don't bring your capitals to the battles.
See, the loss of the capital is virtually guaranteed; the next point is how to quickly recover from the damage.
In current state, it is very annoying and difficult; the money itself is not a issue... The issues are time and effort.
Buying level up takes too much time in current state and the max level is 4. Say even in level 6 we still can't use the capital's full potential and need to bring them to the battles to gain the experience.
Uh oh, the battles? you mean the battles where I bring 30 heavy cruisers to rape?
See, the problem is it is very hard to level up the capitals in late game because there isn't a neutral world around for the level up and capitals are so easy to destroy.... I once suggested to make capitals much more durable than current state, but it seems everyone does not like it.
I think then this is best alternative way to solve this issue; and in FFA, campers the ones who win the games anyway
Now it's cloned the progen's ability. I do think this should remain single-target, as it's primarily for use on your own capital ships anyways. It's not a front-facing ability, so I don't think any change is necessary.
Yes, something is dealy wrong with this... This is not I originally want to post.
It should be 'Fix autocast behaviour to prioritize capitals or always heal capital ships only on autocast' I will fix this.
Buffing the Marza? Incendiary shells, sure, but definitely not the other abilities. Radiation bomb and raze planet rock at the start of the game, and once you have ship anti-matter upgrades later on anti-matter isn't a huge issue for Marza.
Yep, we need to buff Mazda very slightly.
And I mean it.
Look I know people think Mazda as the ultimate capital in SOASE games, but the reality says it is not true.
Bring Mazda to me, I will ion-bolted it to death. Missile barrage will be extremely easy to be countered by cap disabler. Without missile barrage Mazda seems weak.
Raze planet does not rock at the low level, it is more viable in later levels.
Very few ships suffer anti-matter issue after the upgrades and level up, same goes for Mazda. It is not really vaild argument.
Dominance requires you to actually enter battle and come into range of enemy units. You will lose more ships than you gain from using it, and if you don't you already outclass the enemy fleet so dramatically that you could steamroll anyways.
Replicate forces, however, can be done within the safety of your own empire and could be used to create an indefinitely large force without ever spending a penny. It would be classic RA all over again...
No it is not, let's do some math.
I have 40 units, you have 40 units. I use replicate force to make 5 more units.
The difference is 5 now.
You and I go into the battle. I use dominance to capture 5 units. And let's assume I lost 10 units due to battle and you lost 8 units as well.
The difference is whooping 8 units!
See, the point is the enemy actually loses his units while you gain the units. This makes the effiency at least 2x more than replicating the forces.
Hmmm, I indeed sense some cheese with the other suggestion I make (the level up part) it can be new RA all over again indeed. But it does not harm the fact that it should be permanent to at least compete with dominance.
As for the Advent ships, they're probably fine as is, but if everyone else is getting a buff some of them may need to be changed.
Detonate anti-matter and its armour upgrade are fine, since one is anti-capital ship (automatically scales, IMO) and the other also scales well. If similar abilities get buffed, animosity could probably use a maximum target buff, but otherwise is fine. So long as malice isn't buffed back to its former glory (probably some middle ground is needed) cleansing brilliance could use some love.
Reverie is another anti-capital ability, so it automatically scales. Guidance could use a moderate buff, but making it an area of effect ability could well be going overboard. Clairvoyance scales well, as does its ultimate.
Malice could probably use some balance between its current and old form. Maybe no maximum number of targets, but instead diminishing returns on "shared" damage. It would still be better to have more targets under its effect, but each individual target would take less damage. Its other abilities are fine; ressurrection is sub-par, but given how powerful this cap is I think it's fine to have a sub-par ability. Ressurrection scales well, anyways, since it buffs friendly capital ships.
If the number of strike craft carrier caps support is increased, Halcyon should be fine. Maybe its ultimate needs to be looked at to scale appropriately with the additional strike craft, but otherwise fine.
Vertigo is fine, Concentration is VERY fine, and domination works wonders. Maybe vengeance could get reduced anti-matter cost and faster cooldown. Along with a better auto-cast AI, it could be very effective if spammed on multiple targets (who are taking the most damage, of course...) across your fleet.
Woot, thanks for the input. I will wait for more responses and I will combine them to make Advent section.