I finally finished my Go Big or Go Home game as TEC and then I finally got the chance to download the full version of Entrenchment.
I heard that it is vital to uninstall sins before installing this update due to the fact that entrenchment is now compatible with sins.
I uninstalled Entrenchment first. When I did that, Sins also uninstalled. When I re-downloaded Sins, it went to 100% but it didn't install. It just stayed like that. I also tried to download Entrenchment, but the same thing happened.
When I went into control panel (I have Windows XP) I found Sins but not Entrenchment. It said that Sins was installed but I couldn't uninstall it. I clicked on 'remove' but nothing happened.
I can't install using the disk either, it causes an unspecified error for both easy and advanced installs.
Also, the impulse icon is missing from the impulse dock.
I unistalled Impulse. This had no effect. I did a Sytem Restore. Now even Impulse won't work. Now this message comes up:
"Impulse encoutered an error and must shut down."
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do?