My thought, for whatever it's worth is that Tutorials should be in the Wiki. Unfortunately, the Wiki isn't being maintained blame is being cast, not any fingers pointed.
Sometime back I suggested an update of the Wiki with videoclips like "The Video Professor".
Stardock could even make money on it (and the authors as well) with DVD's for sale on each piece of software, made by the preeminent artists and software developers.
Many folks would like to learn to skin, so why not put together something like this in conjunction with Stardock? There could be surveys taken to see if the idea is popular or might well not be. As things stand, it's all a matter of posted questions, hit and miss answers and then lost information...leading to repetitious questions.
As for questios and posts appearing not in their best places, that's more a question of Moderation. An "on call Mod" could read the submitted post and assign it to an appropriate section. A longer "Recent Activity" type section might also alleviate some of this problem.
As I said, this is just my opinion, and I'm only trying to be constructive.