Sync can be a pain in the ass for those who dont know it, but it is very useful
As for when the is next release?... I really dont know. There is much work to do, and i need to catch up on alot from the modeling aspect. I need to ether convert, or mesh from scratch structures for all of the factions. I am not sure how much i can do due to my RL job and all of my traveling.
Shimmer is re-doing the balancing that the new dynamic movement system messed up. The new movement system is awsome! but right now frigates instapop even faster than the original 0.03 release. Its basically whichever frigate shoots 1st wins, and most frigs go down in 1 volley. Shimmer knows about this, and is working on fixing it. He has alot on his plate so cut him some slack, and trust his judgement. He hasnt let us down yet.
The UI needs work again. Icons dont show up until you zoom way out. most of the ships dissappear long before an icon shows for them. We will work on fixing the zooms.
Portaits and other stuff are missing as well. I assume it is because we had to redo the mod yet again from scratch to get it to work in entrenchment 1.02.
When we know when everything is ready to go then you will know.
CLOSED BETA TESTORS (all that were authorised to download the mod via sync)
You are testing the mod for us to give us a 3rd party point of view. It is mainly for the balancing of the mod.
We only want to know about legit bugs right now. Not nit picky fanboy is it canon, or not arguments. Trust me this mod is far more canon than ST:Online will ever be.
Legit bugs are ships doing stupid things like flying backwards, or congregating toward the nearest roid during a firefight. Missing textures, Mesh errors, Weapons acting wierd like firing backwards. Weapon effects errors, or balancing issues like the instapop issue, or if a frigate/cruiser/elite is way too OP over its equivilent counterpart. Focus on the mechanics before the eye candy. The eye candy will come later.