I feel a little bit of a noob asking this but...where on earth can I download this mod?? I can't find it anywhere, the moddb link is down it seems.
I really like the work that seems to have been done so far although I am hoping beyond hope that the pictures of 100+ starships on the screen are just tech demos because that's just insane if it's part of general gameplay.
Battles should be won by getting the opposition to pull out of the battle for fear of losing valuable, slow to build ships. Fights to the very death should be very, very rare. I think of the Battle of Trafalgar, one of the biggest naval battles in history, there were only 60 ships of the line and just 7 first rates. The Enterprise was special because there were only 5 like her, let's keep it that way!!
Can't wait to try the mod and see how it plays