I play as TEC and their very strong mid late game. The reason is simple they use their support cruisers. If it weren'T for the support crusers TEC fleets would fall apart. ME when i get 30 hoshikos and 20 cielos with 5-6 military labs i havent seen anyone being able to stant up to my fleet. The best someone ever did "outside from people ont eh gold list" was kill 10 of my ships while I wiped out their entire fleet.
However i reap the day that advent and vasary players will grow smart and start using their own support cruisers agresively. Currently when advent gets 3 military labs they research illums with are a force additionner insteand of going for the gardians with are a force multiplier. Poud for poud for all races you get more bang back for you buck getting the support ships then getting combat ships. Same can be said for tier 5 support cruisers. Istead of gettign those people more us to the heavy cruisers. How many heavy cruiser rushes had my 20 kobalts and 30 hoshikos wiped out? LOTS they dont stand up to the test all. HE had more RAW dps but my force mitiplier ships made me have the huge advantage in the end.
As blair said in the interveiw with "Gamers with Jobs": "SINS isn't about uber units, it's about the sinergy between them."