Cobalt: 300-55-0 armor 2, dmg 10, supply 5,
Hoshiko: 350-30-50 armor 4, dmg 4, supply 4
Kodiack: 500-100-70 armor 5, dmg 18, supply 10
Combo 1
20x Cobalts: 6000-1100-0 supply 100, dmg 200
30 hoshikos: 10500-900-1500 supply 120, dmg 120
Total: 16500-2000-1500 supply 220, dmg 320
Combo 2
20x Cobalts: 6000-1100-0 supply 100, dmg 200
10x Kodiacs: 5000-1000-700 supply 100 dmg 180
10x Hoshiko: 3500-300-500 supply 40 dmg 40
Total: 14500-2400-1200 supply 240, dmg 420
Convert corst to credits were average is 1 metal/crytal is woth 5 credits you get.
34000 for hoshikos and cobalts.
32500 for the kodaics.
So a bit cheaper with kodiacs so let use the 1500 credit left to bing in one more kodiac 1350 credits.
20x Cobalts: 6000-1100-0 supply 100, dmg 200
11x Kodiacs: 5500-1100-770 supply 110 dmg 198
10x Hoshiko: 3500-300-500 supply 40 dmg 40
Total: 15000-2500-1270 supply 250, dmg 438
So DMG 320 vs 438 that is a 118 more dps with kodiacs then without. But while you researched HC i reaserched Demobots. NOw what i do is that i place 10 hoshikos on repair only and 20 hoshikos in demobots only. That way the AI spreads the effects around, takes soem time but from combat verification each hoshikos will at lear incapacitate 1 ship for each demobot up to 2 ships for each. But let just use 1 ship desable per demobot using hoshiko. In this case that is 20. 20 represent 66.66% of the enemys 30 combat ships. So i will nullyfy 66% of the dps. 438 - 66% = 148.92
So now the situation is 320dmg for combo 1 vs 148.92 dmg for combo 2. That is 171.08 more dmg in favor of combo 1. Note combo one get a higer dmg advantage after demo bot then combo 2 did before. 171.08 vs 118. Both side have 10 hoshikos repairign sot heir tankign power is equal. With means the side witht he most dps wins. Now add in that the demobot user causes an aditional flat 75 unmitigated dmg the target each time a ship is hit by demobots. So considering that he has unlimited AM every 3 second eahc of the 20 hoshiko do 75 dmg to the enemy fleet. 20 * 75 / 3 = wow 500 additional dmg tiping the scales at 720dmg vs 148.92 for a 571.08 advanatge. Now of ouse they dotn ahve infinte AM so lest consider that those 20 hoshikos will only fire demobots 3 time each durring that ingagement instead. 20 * 75 * 3 = 4500 over a 5 minute long battle (300 second) so 4500 / 300 = 15. Not much true but still additions it's self, so 335 vs 148.92 for a 186.08 advantage.
Now that into consideration that combo 1 needs lest fleet suppyl them combo 2 witch means combo 2 will need to upgrade his fleet size sonner thus nerf his econ and abilaty to replace lost ships sonner then the player with combo 1.
If the player of combo one is microing his hoshikos to completly shut down all of you combat ships witch si somethign i try to do and it possible to do the situation become even mroe stancked. Buttom line combo 1 wins quite easily. But ofcourse just how easily depends on the commander. IT it also possible for the combo 2 to win if used by a very skileld ocmmander vs a combo 1 without a skille commander.
Buttom line the Math doesn't lie.