Now that Entrenchment is out and nicely done guys. Could it be a possiblity to color scheme the Names in ICO. Like blue is vannila Sins. Green is Entrenchment. You get the idea. Something to be able to tell what peeps are running. As to better inform players where a game can be had.
On a side note: I bought Left 4 Dead on steam about 2 months ago. It was my first product from steam. As Sins was from Stardock->Impulse. I think you guys @ IC & Stardock are on the right track to making a better product than steam. You need to get friends lists and voice support thru impulse. I already think impulse is superior minus the 2 things i just listed. The forums here are much simpler to use. IMHO you guys pay much more attention to the commuity as a whole. Thats both IC and Stardock. Its not a rare thing to see the top guys answer questions and give advise here.
To the Gods of the Game: Thank You and keep it up.