it really is quite astounding that this problem still exists after all the patches and time since it first presented itself.. How could you not make any progress on a problem so big it prevents people from playing your game while tweaking other smaller things? I've been playing computer games all my life and I never saw one so unstable that crashes literally every time unless you adhere to certain rules such as putting every graphics effect to minimum and only playing small games.. Even after the last patch, no progress on this problem whatsoever.... The only thing that's come out of it for me is that I would never buy a game from Ironclad or Stardock again.. Any company that would release a product this sloppy clearly has bigger problems to deal with than a minidump
Its clear you have no clue about how complex the coding for a computer game is. Stardock can't just click their finger or bash there faces across the keyboard and poof the problem is fixed.
For a start there is no way to tell how a game is going to react to the thousands of different computers and their unique hardware configs. Something might cause a massive crash for someone but not another person. The classic case is sins itself a lot of the early dumps were being caused by a Nvidia graphics card driver conflicting with sins. Nvidia updated their drivers and it fixed the problem for quite a lot of people.
Then there are acutal bugs. A game like sins has thousands of lines of codes it takes both time and skill to fix bugs and there is a chance that changing one part of the code can cause more bugs.
If you think stardock have big issues with their games its clear you have never played anything from Sony online entertainment. 5 year old bugs are common in their games.
Stardock do a amazing job its a pity you are too much of a child to see it.