Quoting harpo99999, reply 13gurren, have you tried captureing colonisers from the other races?
harpoYou make it sound easy, but by the time you could get one the enemy will most likely have over 4 planets and a fleet much bigger then yours.
The idea behind the Rogue is that you are a pirate, and that you must steal everything in order to survive. The best tactic when playing the Rogue is to turtle up in the very beginning, and unlock the research to start building ships that can capture other ships, then go forth and capture everything in sight. Then you use your new found fleet to go and rule the galaxy. Any ship classified as a frigate can be captured, this means all the new Super Frigates, like the Atlantians and TCA have. So you can get near capital ships for free. All this had to come at a cost, and putting an actual colony ship further up the research tree balances the Rogue out by slowing down their expansion, as they would literally capture any fleet they fight against.
Just remember, 7DS is not about balance, it is about giving you the most dynamic and inclusive game possible, which means that each race now has a different strategy, each with very unique strengths and weaknesses. You need to adjust your game, or pick a race that matches your playing style. That is one of the main ideas behind 7DS, that each time you play is different, and ever changing.
All this being said, most of the new maps now actually give you one colonizer in the very beginning with 7DS, if you lose that, then you need to go the other route.
Carbon16, thanks for lending a hand once again. You too neterw. Harpo99999, thank you again for your continued support as well.
Keep em coming guys.