Tec's way to counter MB:
practically none, hoshiko's might repair alot of ship but you need ALOT of hoshiko's (about haf of yor fleet should be hoshiko) and a bunch of cielo cruisers, (if your economy allows that)to get out of MB alive, TEC has no effective way to counter MB... in turn.. it's hard to cripple all hoshiko's, so thats a + side for mass-repair...
Advent way to counter MB:
guardians, Progenitor mothership's shield restore lvl 3, continuously cast during MB (about 3 casts) this only works if un-interrupted, and an akkan ion bolt makes short work of your strategy and you're gonna lose alot of HP from all (but guardian + cap-ships)
Vasari way to counter MB:
Antorak Marauder's phase out hull, to interrupt the marza's MB (becuase the antorak = a capship rarely picked, you wont see it alot) another way for vasari = to use enforcers with the reintegration ability + overssers to aid them
all these solutions take alot of effort to use (advent being the most effective counter (2 progenitors))
the single-click MB of the marza = so much easier to use, and if you catch the enemy 10 seconds off-guard youre gonna own his fleet.. guaranteed
not long ago i was in a match with me as an advent, and the enemy fortified on his homeworld with a starbase and defenses, i managed to effectivly counter 2 missle barrage abilties with my progenitor and 10 guardians in the battle but zoomed-out for a second or 15 to build some new frigate factories on a nearby world + diverting ships around a pirate base
zoomed back in, all illuminators heatlh down to 10%, fleet taken heavy damage from a missle barrage, all that in the time it took me to build frigates and frigate factories and diverting a fleet past a pirate base
lost the battle afterwards 15 seconds turned from an overwhelmingly winnig situation to overwhleming defeat becuase of 1 ability
yes it IS counterable, if you keep paying attention (wich you cant if you have an empire to run)
an ability shouldnt change the tide in 15 seconds, yes abilties DO change the tide either by negative buffs on the enemy or positive buffs on your own but not damaging whole fleets to the point they have to retreat and prevent losing everything at once
and i cannot imagine anyone not seeing the overwhelmingly obvious imbalanceness here, so i will stick to my originial conclusion: everone that still states this to be part of the game i have to live with it, pay more attention to my fights spend more work, cash everyting on countering the MB... is plainly trying to defend his strategy not being nerfed. wich is think is pretty selfish, given that YOU KNOW the ability isnt right??
just 2 options availbe imho
#1 nerf marza's MB
#2 buff 1 cap ship of vasari + advent (#1 plz.. we want super-cruisers not speedy-death-stars)
(if u want deathstars get the real capital ships mod.... but atleast leave sins vanilla balanced!!)