Anyway, the proposes on the other page were not necesarily in line with MB being "imba." If one were to compare the abilities to make them in line w/ MB, then thay would not both deal dmg and heal the casting target. I thought the idea here was to propose MB balances, possibly in the realm of "fixing" other caps' abilities, not to create another "imba" abilitiy. So if y'all want more imba abilities to counter or mimic MB, then at least keep it in line with MB's dmg potoential. Anything more is just childish.
If you really paid attention to the numbers I "suggested", you'd notice the modified Disintegration you're speaking of does less than what MB is capable of doing and over a much smaller area, is more easily counterable and for that it heals as much as 25% of the cap's hit points.
What you just did was reading my suggestion, seeing some AOE + healing involved (even though it is nowhere near what MB can do RIGHT NOW) and cried OP!.
Typical Marza lover. Can't see how f**ked up MB is, used to using and abusing it, but won't acknowledge anything even close to it.
My "suggestions" were not, in fact, viable modifications of existing abilities which would heal the game's balance. I would not want them to look like that just as I don't want MB to look like it does.
I wrote what I did to show you how f*ked up these abilities would be if they were brought to the level of MB.
I wrote what I did to show you how utterly imba they look to YOU when in fact they're no more imba than MB which you think is JUST FINE.
Please argue with this:
A SINGLE level6 Marza ALONE is capable of WINNING A GAME for you if only the enemy looks the other way for 10 seconds.
Maybe that guy deserved to lose.
Maybe one should have such ultimate power to one-button WIN against an enemy player who throws a huge fleet on a single lvl6 cap and doesn't keep his eyes glued to it.
Maybe you are right!
But HOW THE BLOODY HELL giving such ULTIMATE POWER to only ONE FACTION can be called BALANCED ?!!!