Gadgets have not caught on like Apple, Yahoo, and MS thought they would.
Personally, I think one of, if not a large part of the reason for that is,
people are lazy (myself included most of the time),
and just want to download stuff that works out-of-the-box.
A large portion of the Widgets here, MS Sidebar Gadgets, Yahoo Widgets DO just that.
However, I have stopped browsing the varios Gadget etc. galleries,
because it's just flooded with stuff that with a little tweak or extra line of text,
is exactly the same gadget.
For example, after browsing 3 pages @ say 20 gadgets per page,
and finding that 45 of said Gadgets are some kind of search Gadget,
it gets REALLY old, REALLY fast.
Weather Gadgets are another thing that are completely overdone.
Whereas Gadgets (or Widgets) for a particular function are:
not available/don't do the things what a user wants or needs/are available in one format, but not in another.
Case in point, I currently run Yahoo Widgets, MS Sidebar AND now OD Plus for particular functions.
I just bought the ODU package and OD Plus, with the intention of getting rid of Yahoo and the Sidebar completely.
Can't do it, coz on the Sidebar, I have one Gadget in particular, I want to keep, which is NOT available as a DesktopX Widget,
granted, it is only eye-candy but still...
and one Yahoo Widget in particular that contains a function I wanted, and is also not available as a Widget.
For everything else I have found DesktopX Widgets to replace my other stuff.
Vad_M tried to help but couldn't, which I appreciate and understand.
Thread is here: https://forums.wincustomize.com/349243
As a result, I have to keep Yahoo and the Sidebar running, defeating the purpose of using DesktopX on it's own.