Hi Guys
I wanted to make the black market more realistic, and I didn't find any previous posts about it. So I made a new one. Here are the options for modding (ent. 1.01):
sellPrice 2.0
buyPrice 4.0
priceIncreaseAtMaxShift 2.22
minTimeForMarketChange 10.0
maxTimeForMarketChange 30.0
minTimeToCrashOrBoom 2.0
maxTimeToCrashOrBoom 10.0
minLengthOfCrashOrBoom 20.0
maxLengthOfCrashOrBoom 200.0
normalMarketMinShift 0.2
normalMarketMaxShift 0.5
boomThresholdPerPlayer 400
crashThresholdPerPlayer -400
boomMinShift 0.8
crashMaxShift 0.2
netChangeForCrash -0.2
netChangeForBoom 0.3
sellPrice and buyPrice are really clear, metal and crystal price are between 200 and 400 credits
normalMarketMinShift and MaxShift: the reaction time of the price to supply and demand, I think
Crash and Boom: not clear to me, I know the meanings, but the in-game effects are what?
Can anyone help me out? Crash/Boom? MarketChange? Treshold? netChange?