What's so bad about installing impulse? Hell, it dl'd and installed 1.16 and I didn't even know there was a 1.16 until I saw the title of this thread.
The problem is that some people do not have internet access or very limited access. The problem also comes into play that many of us do not want to be forced to end up tied to requiring the use of internet just to use and play our purchased software.
I bought the DVD version but have no choice in updating. What happens when I do not have internet access? Or I live in an area that has no option to even get internet access?
IF companies would stop releasing buggy software, then perhaps it would not be such an issue. But unlike the way it USED to be, companies today do not take the time anymore. Thousands and thousands of game were released for Amiga, Atari ST, PC and even older systems. A few did have some bugs but 99% of the games written then you would be hard pressed to find a bug in or at least one that made the game unplayable.
And btw, I KNOW it is possible to do because at one time in my life I was part of a team that did it in the past. Today I still code although not in the gaming arena rather business and application software. I can tell you were the stuff I did even HALF as buggy as most of the game titles out now, I would not be coding anything anymore - and during my military career, could have been a HUGE problem. And BTW, I have heard the argument that games are more elaborate or more detailed or more involved in programming... Not true.. Show me one program/game that works with real time sat data, real time microwave, radio, and telemetry data PLUS active 3D graphics as well as stills and video.... and NO known bugs. Then we can go with that argument.
No, I am one of those that does not and will not accept the requirement if it ultimately is forced upon us. Just like I will not accept the limiting of my bandwidth or having bandwidth capped at a certain amount per month. If things get to that point in these areas, innovation on the internet, commerce on the internet will all slow to a crawl... and many people, me included will stop using the net as a regular tool like we do today. Instead it will be log in once in a while to get email and that is about it.
Most of the people I know who are also devs now all say the same thing. This service might be good for the companies operating it as a revenue stream. But it takes away the users ability to make their own choices when they want and where they want. It forces us users to abide by THEIR rules, not by our own when it comes to controlling what we want to do, when we want to do it and where we want to do it.
Think about it.. do you truly want to be REQUIRED to have internet at all times just to run your games or software? Where does it end and how much control are people willing to loose?