They seem like one is bigger than the other then!
Well of course, they belong to two different people...
Anyway, had another crash, seems to be when I fail to connect to someone. Not sure if this is what you found a fix for or not.
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x10060560
attempted to read memory at 0x244c8b78
Program : C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :
MemManager::ValidPointer + 27120 bytes ((Unknown)(0) + 0 bytes)
Last 100 lines of log...
A full record of the log is stored in the Demigodlog.txt file
info: StartingLevel="One",
info: StartingWarRank="1",
info: Timeouts="0",
info: TowerStrength="High",
info: Victory="structuredefense",
info: WarScoreIncome="Normal",
info: achievements="true"
info: }
info: },
info: TotalPlayerCount=5,
info: Version="MAIN.1.00.0108",
info: dwGameID=337157,
info: dwHostPlayerID=10812
info: }
info: CVP_GameData:
szGameName: (DK) Not Rec! Gameplay video High Quality
szHostPlayerName: Multianna
szMapName: Mandala
szGameSpecificXML (size): 3616
szGameGUID: 7eba71d4-a4a4-48d5-9257-e3e94a0449b3
szStartTime: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
szLastNotificationTime: 2009-05-02T14:53:32.063
dwHostPlayerID: 10812
dwHostPort: 0
dwMinPlayers: 1
dwMaxPlayers: 10
dwGameTypeID: 5
dwGameMapID: 52
dwNumPlayers: 6
dwGameID: 337157
bRanked: 0
bPrivate: 0
dwHostTeamID: 0
dwHostEntityID: 0
dwWinningTeamID: 0
info: Adding name/ID mapping:[Connatic:26995]
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetUserPlayerData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetUserPlayerData()
info: >>>Entering CVPGetPlayerAchievementsByID for 26995
info: <<<Exiting CVPGetPlayerAchievementsByID
info: JoinGame. GameID[337157], Password[]
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::JoinGame()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::JoinGame()
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetGameData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetGameData()
info: Adding name/ID mapping:[Connatic:26995]
info: System: Connecting to game host...
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 10812[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from Multianna[10812]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 14227[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from xXAequitasXx[14227]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 21723[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from krellovichz[21723]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 23116[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 36855[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from csweatherston[36855]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 39400[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from acaridi[39400]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 23116[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 23116[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 23116[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 23116[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 39400[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from acaridi[39400]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnNATFailed
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: MUSIC : Activating cue [Main_Menu]
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::QuitGame()
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated