These suggestions and more came up during the last subscription drive, and more speifically to a thread that Brad (aka Frogboy) made concerning the status of WC. I think we will be seeing some changes when the new updated/upgraded WC site come on line. At that time the subscribers will have to decide if whatever changes are made improve the site or not.
I tend to look at changes as things that happen and try to put them in perspective. No doubt that the site has seen many changes since it first came on line. For me, if the site provides access to free skins that are uploaded by members of the community and subscribers receive some benefit for subscribing than I will probably take whatever else happens in stride.
Bottom line, at 60 years old if I wake up in the mornig and see the sunrise, I can handle whatever else happens.
Please understand thet this is just my opinion and in no way invalidates yours.