If I had to rate the Caps, based on DPS(w/ strikecraft), Abilities, solo power, and the ability to support their fleet, I would rate them like this:
1. Dunov (1. fleet support, 3 DPS, 2. Abilities, 3 Solo power)
2. Kol (5. fleet support, 1 DPS, 3. abilities. 1 solo power{up to lvl. 6, after that it's Marza})
3. Marza ( 4. fleet support, 2 DPS, 1 Abilities, 2 solo power)
4. Akkan ( 2. fleet support, 5 DPS, 5 abilities, 5 solo power)
5. Sova ( 3. fleet support, 4 DPS, 4 abilities, 4 solo power)
The list is for low-level caps, 1-5.
Also, the list doesn't go in order by best to worst.
Koda0 (^)