1.02 and 1.16
I noticed that the LRM in all races, the missles seems to slower than the ships themselves and perhaps also firing, even when the ship is dead. I noticed that hasn't even been fixed yet.
And in the tech, the flak guns can only fire at strike crafts yet the same weapons on the orbital hanger, can fire at both ships and strike crafts, will that be fixed too?
If it is desirable to prevent the rush, as well as help out the player or team under pressure so that one battle doesn't determine the entire game, then how about a change to the cost of the basic planetary defences?
As it is, a turret costs about the same as a frigate and a hangar only slightly less than a carrier. Yet the ships have the ability to move in the grav well and make phase jumps! Why should gauss turrets cost crystal, and not Cobalts? Earth-bound warfare featured fixed defences that cost far less than ships, and also outranged them.
Even if the basic point defences stay short ranged, how about a reduction in the cost by a factor of 50%- and without any crystal at all, too precious in the very early game. As the hangars were effectively downgraded when the carriers got an extra squadron, their cost could be reduced substantially as well. These measures would reduce the value of the LRM in the early game- even if they could still take out turrets without danger, it would take much longer, and a hangar defence would become viable.
The proposals to increase the powers of carrier capitals and slow LRMs also seem solid. I'm not sold on the reversal of the strikecraft build penalties though- perhaps this could be made an attribute of the carrier capitals instead, so that combat penalties are ignored if one is nearby?
I agree with you however, I would also suggest that the hangar should move up on the research tree to 2 or maybe 3, cause even in early game you probably have crystal production so low it is economically not viable to build one anyways, so why not upgrade their stats, keep the cost and up the research levels?
Also, I don't if it is intentional but all of the siege firgate is probably the most suicidal frigate ever, except the scout frigates (which is a no brainer). ok, if it goes into a gravity well, it goes straight for the planet, like it just doesn't see another thing in the way, will the frigates become sort of like the capital ships where it will help with the battle and then after a certain amount of time or percentage of the enemy gets destoryed till they start go attack the planet?