Scale: 1 resource = 5 credits in calculations.
Nova's Auxiliary Gouvenemnt and all variants for all races protects planets from Novas.
Protection from kotsura? Hmm advent got that as weel sinc enow their hangers will give sheilds and sheild mitigation. So unlest you enemy has 10 kotsura's your fine.
TEC econ? LOL WHAT A JOKE, last I looked they made planets give the same credit income for all races. Thsi was a nerf to TEC since TEC made the most from the HW and a buff to Advent who made the least. Vasari it stayed the same.
Tec early game has mostly 2 upgrades that can help. Moduler construction and Metal mining.
Moduler construction reduced the cost of Mines and ship Factories. But how effective is it realy? If you research to 40% and you compensate in mine it is only whne you will build your 13th mine that you will break even. What ti realy help is setting up a forward ship production base. How ever frigates factories are cheap by default for all races.
Metal mining? if you reseach booth lvls it makes your metal extractors go from 0.52 to 0.59 so only a 0.07 extration rate increase. Plus it coested you 1275 credits to research it. So it will take a while for it to pay it's self. Byt he time it does pay it'S self you got lums bearing down on you. So it barely makes an impact unless your got a volcanic next door to your hw with 4 metal astrois.
Now lets have a look at advent colonise abilaty.
Colonise lvl 1 gives 20% discount witch means savings of 315 credits for the first upgrade and 410 credits for the 2nd.
Colonise lvl 2 gives 40% discount witch means savings of 630 credits for the first upgrade and 820 credits fir the 2nd.
And this at no cost to the advent player.
Now lets look at teh cost of LRFs.
Lum 955
Assa 950
LRM 345
WOW LUMS cost 5 credits more then assaialnts but we know from actual combat that lums can fight assaialnts outnumbered and still WTF pwn assailants.
But TEC have dirt cheap LRMs. Yeah their dirt cheap but their dirt weak to. To figth 1 lums you need on average 3 LRMs so the actual cost is 1035 more then lums and your not sure of winning not to mention LRMs use 4 fleet suppyl and that if you need 3 to equal 1 lum that is using only 6 means you need 12 double the fleet supply to meant what teh enemy puts up. Additional suppyl whos cost is supposed to be contremended by TECs none existant early game econ.
Now I can keep crunching numbers and the numbers all say it. Advent is out of wack. I can crunch number for TEC vs Vasari and it will be fairly even. But crunching Advent vs the other races Advent always clearly comes out on top in every sector.
Advent has the high life in this game. TEC and Vasari are eatting dirt compared to it.