Granted. You are now imortal. You cannot die, age, sickness does nothing to you, you no longer feel physical pain. As the years progress, your heroics that you perform begin to stack up. You find a woman who you deeply love and start a family. But a few years later, in order to hurt you, a group of people rape and murder your wife and children. Upon learning of this, you go into seclusion for several decades. It is there you come to the conclusion that mankind is nothing but a feeble collection of scum and misery You continue to live this Hell.
Half a century after retreating away from humanity, you try to rejoin society as a distanct person, away from any form of caring for anyone else. Again, you find a woman and begin to have a relation with her. Soon, you are a father again, and your kids are going to college, and your wife is now having her 50th birthday, and she is now on her death bed at age 105. It all seems to ge going by so fast.** You are a great great great great great grandfather who has no relation with his decendants.You continue to live this Hell.
Time comtinues to pass by you with increasing speed. after a short while for you, it is impossible to form relationships with human beings because their lives and deaths flash past you like a tape on fast-forward. You witness wars that ravage the planet, see hundreds die by bullets, bombs, tanks, knives, bare hands, artillery. When a nuclear detonation goes off near you, you see the bodies and the rubble all simply vanish in an instant. You continue to live this Hell.
And you no longer care.
You witness the fall of civilization and the extinction of our species, all happen in what seems like the flicker of an eye to you. You are caught in an asteriod shower that nearly destroys the planet. 5 billion years pass of you just wandering around a barren wasteland, seeking something to do to pass the boredom. The Sun expands into a red giant. You survive the first roasting, but nothing else does. The Sun eventually rips planet Earth into rubble with gravity. Now, you are floating in space in an eternal orbit around the red giant, slowly getting closer to it. A few million years later, you finally collide with the sun and are sucked down to its core where you remain for several trillion years until the universe starts to go through its entropy and everything except to begins to break apart at the subatomic level. Every where is the same. No stars, no planets, no black holes, just an empty, cold mass of subatomic particles that can never come together again. And you, floating along in the void. Forever.
**You know how when you were younger (a child), an hour seemed like forever to you? As people grow, their brain starts to perceive time differently. An hour feels like less time. Now extend that logic to a year, or a decade, or a century.
I wish for a new role of tape