I am announcing a new utility that can copy all of a players MODS AND update the mods to a new patch.
at present it it can update mods in txt form from entrenchment 1.01 &1.02 to entrenchment 1.03 and sins 1.15-6 to 1.17, it works in a similar way to my map updater ie it first copies the files from the source folder( and it does copy ALL files and folders), it then reads in the entity file from the destination folder, re-names the entity to entold, checks to see if it needs the changes and makes the nessacary changes and saves the corrected entity. I have already tested it with manshooters dynamic v0.9b and my own megastarbases mod (both in txt form and it copied and updated both in 33 seconds, but the more mods and the larger the mods and also if the mods ar binned the SLOWER the updating time. eg with celestial bodies v0.8b, ds entrenchment beta 0.7, dynamic 0.9b, firefall 2.2, ms entrench v2.22, requiem 2.2, sins of the 13th tribe v0.4, unknown darkness beta 0.01 and my megastarbases mod (totaling 3.9GB of files) it took 40 minutes to update all of them.
and as the entity files in the mods ARE updated you only need to run the utility when a new patch to entrenchment comes out and I have supplied updated instructions to the program.
the links for old versions have been removed
I have been given permission to include the convertdata*.exe's with my utilities so I am now releasing my utility pack
I have released all of my modding utilities/tools in one archive and INCLUDED the NOW needed convertdata*.exe's from all of the sins versions that my utilities support, ie sins 1.15,1,16 & 1.17 and also entrenchment 1.01,1.02, & 1.03
also I made sure that the correct targetsinsver.txt is included
1/1/2010 the latest version which has the updated program for the textbin gui and diplomacy compatibility is now up at
7/2/ 2010 uploaded the 1.19 release of the utilities including the latest mod updater which is set to ignore the 5 fx files that can cause dumps in entrenchment mods
19/2/2010 latest version of the complete modding utiities with the essentals files incuded is up at
the latest version is up at http://www.filefactory.com/file/b0b3g8a/n/harpo_sins_utilities_1.191_e_d.rar
now also at http://www.filefront.com/15858795/harpo-sins-utilities-1.191ed.rar/
and the dip 1.21 version http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8023186/sins%20mods/harpo%20sins%20utilities%20for%20sins%201.191%2Cent%201.051%2Cd1.21.rar
I have tested this version on 32 bit & 64 bit sins,entrenchment & diplomacy, the only issue is a overflow value with many mods in a mod folder. I will fix this in the next version
just a reminder if you are getting an error stating that sins version found ::: need version 1.1.9 then you NEED the registry keys that point to the sins install folder for 32bit windows
for 64bit windows
and they should have a Path string value that contains the EXACT path to the sins game folder
the latest version includes the use of the sinstrinity registry key to find the path to the sins install if the sins path key is blank, and also a probable fix for the error 76 (path not found) error that appears to be caused by having a '\' at the end of the sins(trinity) path, so you do NOT need to edit the registry entries
here is the drop box link
and the file factory link
and now the utility pack with diplomacy 1.3 and trinity 1.3 convertdata btw I do not recommend using the mod updater to update the mods to diplomacy 1.3 as there are a large number of changes in the playerRACE.entity files and the entity manifest, and new and removed pacts compared with diplomacy 1.21
corrected the link above, the above link archive NOW has the diplomacy1.21 convertdata
and the first link for the utility pack with convertdatadiplomacy 1.31(file factory)
utility pack convertdatadiplomacy 1.31 (drop box)
updated the utility pack for the latest patch and the mod updater WILL update original mods to 1.192, entrenchment (still uses the 1.051 folder so no update) and diplomacy 1.3# to 1.33
filefactory link to full utility pack for o1.192 e 1.052 d/t 1.33
18/11/2011 updated the utilities to the latest steam compatable patch ie original 1.193, entrenchment 1.053, diplomacy 1.34, trinity 1.34 AND updated the manifest maker to remove the two entities that diplomacy no longer wants
filefactory latest utility pack for O1.193 e1.053 d1.34 t1.34