Okay, so I tried to use this mod: https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=108&libid=71 which apparently did not agree with my game. I got an error, I don't remember what it said. Even though I made backups of the folder I altered and replaced the altered files with the backups, it still got the SAME error. I tried to reinstall my game to fix it, but instead Impulse installed an "update." Then I tried to run it, but I got this error:
"Sins has detected an earlier Entrenchment beta installation.
Please uninstall Sins and Entrenchment via Impulse and reinstall both."
Now, I never bought Entrenchment. I never even knew what it was, before this idiotic error. In any case, I got to Impulse and lo and behold Entrenchment is not even there to be uninstalled, probably due to the fact that I don't have it.
So now I can't play my game.