Yes, you are right, that is so... I sometimes forget that Sins is really RTS so much, But i was thinking they could add more into the 4X part of it, you know, maybe research trees that are dependent on which direction you first start in, instead of having an open all accessible research tree, it might be nice to have one that is different depending on the choices i make, or is different with each game forcing different considerations.
But that would require a host of research, and a system for showing some of them and not others, or for branching depending on the choices of the player. I have seen RPG games do it, but it probably isnt an easy thing to do, and certainly adds to the size and running speed of the game. But it still would be COOL, 
Just my opinion of course, im only a file tweaking modder, not a developer, so i have no idea what it would take to actually build this into the game. I just like the thought of more customizability and adding the variety to the game. 
Thank you for the explanation though, i didnt remember right off that GalCiv is more 4X, and Sins more RTS, to be honest, im not real good at understanding the difference, haha, i feel stupid sometimes, well... i guess i cant know everything, though i have a friend that tells me i think i know everything, haha 