And you're in the very small minority. People can still play StarCon2, but it's hardly making anyone any money. If you want to compete in the market, you need to meet market expectations. Talking about the tiny group of people who honestly don't care about graphics (or whatever) isn't really helping - unless the game wouldn't appeal to anyone else anyway, which is patently false. Stardock games are interesting and complex, but they're not glorified spreadsheets like (say) HoI3, which will never have a broad appeal.
The reason '4X' games have a small market is because they're generally clunky, ugly and boring. Stardock generally has well-designed and polished UI, so they have a chance of reaching people who don't own all seventeen Civilizations. Growing the market = good.
Not that this has anything to do with the ridiculous OP wanting TEH RAD CUTZCENZ, of course, but going to extremes depreciating graphics is a bad idea. Hell, if you put a new frontend on MoO it'd be playable - right now, no 'normal person' would even attempt to play it.