I had some astounding dreams when I was about that age, some that I could not distinguish from reality.
We grow older, wiser, we know the difference. Or so we think. As an adult I have had a couple strange experiences of physical phenomena that I cannot explain in conventional terms. Two friends, degreed scientific professionals, have also recounted experiences that do not seem to fit into our normal defintion of reality. Nothing really dramatic or impressive for me or them, just very memorable and thought provoking.
Deja vu, there are conventional physiological explanations for it. I think almost everyone must have had the experience sometimes only for a second or two of "having done this and heard this before."
It seems to me that the course of wisdom is rational skepticism, even of our own experiences. Otherwise the black mud of occultism awaits to draw us down in flakiness. Still, and even so, it seems to me that sometimes something else wholly other shows through for just a moment.
I once read a book by some physicist in which he speculated that our basic metaphysics of reality might be wrong and hence our physics. What if, he said, the basis of reality was not matter, energy, and forces; but information? And what if the flow of events we experience as time was not linear, but instead associative in the information sense? This idea does seem to correspond with our experiences of deja vu, synchronicity, and certain dreams -- predictive or otherwise.