Actually, I am 100% in agreement that repulse should be made into a capital ship ability. It does beg the question of what ability will be replaced, and what ability the guardian will get in return (it does need a second ability), but overall I don't think we'll ever get repulse balanced right on a cruiser. Better to put it on a capital ship so we can actually justify it as a highly limited ability.
Cap Ships that could take Repulsion:
Anima Tempest on a Halcyon -- (good synergy with Halcyon)
Vertigo on Rapture (Does anyone use Vertigo??? Makes Rapture more attractive)
Guidance on Revelation (Makes Revelation more attractive...Guidance seems like an attractive power, but I have never "needed" it because most Advent abilities cycle pretty fast and are limited by Antimatter)
Absolutely not for the Halcyon; it's already got two godly abilities. While its other abilities are pathetic currently, adding repulse to the mix would be too much.
Vertigo is absolutely awesome, possibly one of the game's most underrated abilities. It's actually the closest thing to an illum counter in the mirror match you can get.
I think guidance is probably our top candidate here. The Revelation is already the least used Advent capital ship, the ability itself is poor to begin with, it doesn't have any good comboes within the Advent faction.
the problem is that Illums are not that big of a problem
They're not in the same obscene, gamebreaking range as repulse, but they're still too strong. As I said, if LRF weren't the bread and butter unit the strength of the illuminator would be debatable, but currently they're just too strong and too cheap when compared to faction equivalents.
I know this because in playing against the AI which does not use Repluse I rape illums with little or no problems
The AI's army contains large numbers of light frigates and siege frigates, and rarely uses a mothership with shield restore. The bottom line is that you can't judge the strength of a unit, particularly Advent units with their many synergies, based on how an AI uses them.