Well, I would certainly hope I would be one of the "teens who qualify."
At any rate, some sort of system would be nice. Perhaps at the end of each online match, you could rate the person in multiple ways. I mean, you can skip it of course, but let's say you played with someone who helped you quite a bit. You would want to give them credit for it. However if you found someone who swore every other word, used the Z-Axis, and bragged upon winning, you are obviously going to record that. So, let's say that the following are the things you rate them on:
Strategic Ability: Also referred to as macroing, this has to do with their overall ability to play the game. Players who are awesome strategists are incredibly hard to beat as they will outproduce you every way.
Tactical Ability: Also referred to as microing, this has to do with their ability to control individual ships. Good tacticians can often defeat a force that is far numerically superior.
Knowledge of the Game: This has to do with your sheer knowledge of the game. JJ, Darvin, Amish, and others would score quite high in this as they are masters of the game mechanics.
Team Play Capability: This is related to how well someone works with other players. This is basically how well they work on a team. For example, someone who falls in as a feeder because they don't want to fight even though they are on the front line would be scored low while someone who would submit to whatever role they were put into would receive a higher score.
Agreeableness: Basically, how friendly someone is. If someone has an incredibly low Agreeableness score, they could essentially be blacklisted as opposed to someone who is very helpful who would be highly recommended as a nice person to be around.
The first four categories would be used to determine skill levels of players, ensuring that games would have an opportunity to be balanced. The final category would be listed separately and would show whether or not someone would be fun to play with. I mean, sure, you can ignore the rating, but for new players who are likely to get killed their first few games, it would be nice. Losing is a pain, but when you lose to a jerk, it just amplifies it.
Please note however that those five categories were just things that I pulled off the top of my head.