I don't play that much due to time, boredom with the game, and the inability of other players to click the Surrender button. My one and only account is 5-6, but I've played about 30 games online (won over half). I still consider myself a beginner, though I know the basics pretty well.
But what I don't like is all the smurfs
There's awesome players like JJ who I played once in a team game. He logs in as JJ with all his wins so we know what we're getting into. I played him to learn, certainly not to win.
Then there's guys who admit to smurfing with a team whisper and they're willing to help out a weak team facing other smurfs or guys like JJ. That's fine with me. Experts mixed with noobs, on both teams is great (if the noobs listen).
Then there's these idiots who keep making new accounts and specifically entering games called Noob, Beginner, and Medium skill. Their records are like 0-0, with 1 game played or something. There's noobs out there who don't understand these guys have like 200-500 games under their belt under other accounts, so they eventually surrender to them, saying: Wow, you're good, I really suck.
Lot of these noobs never come back, so essentially the community is eating itself.
I'm not saying new accounts are bad. Make as many as you want. Just don't use them to prey on beginners. Don't hide or even deny either. The denial part is the most ridiculous.
I consider myself much better in 2 other online games, enough to call myself a veteran. If I know I'm surrounded by noobs, I leave and find another game more challenging. I don't creep back with another account. It's just not fun and kind of dishonourable.
I was just in a game where a 3-6 record (11 game) noob quit, saying "Damn I always lose. I'm leaving to play blah-blah-whatever. Screw this." Well, it's no wonder he's losing because I watched him get smurfed bad by a 0-0 player who ate the map rapidly and knew exactly what he was doing. Probably happened to the noob a few times. Happened to me at least 4-5 times.