Damn guys, flame much? you guys really have to simmer down, after all, every person posting in this thread IS a member of a NATO country (unless you live in australia or elsewhere, but they are still on friendly terms) and technically we are all allies, yet we flame and do our little pissing contests about some topic that is not even all that important.
The USA and the entire western World (yes, my/our Canada as well) will always be the land of the free, the land of the prosperous, the land of the people, but there ARE complications. Politics blows all will agree, it's a pathetic attempt by the ruling social classes to control our lives with their "laws and regulations" (or lack therof) that are self destructive and only lead to long term socieital instability. Politicians are rarely for the people, mostly for themselves or their country as a whole (i.e. national pride/ patriotism) , which may sound mean, but it's true. see Obama for instance, he didn't wake wake up 20 years ago saying "i'm gonna help my people!" and run for senator, he ran for senator and then president because it would help himself and his ideals. I'm not by any means anti-american or anti-peacekeeping (i am, however strongly opposed to the shady politics of the middle east and other places and agression in general) but i'm simply saying: politicians (who may not conciously think this) who are in it for their ideals (bush) may manipulate the generally honourable and Valiant uniform into fighting personal proxy wars, like the iraq war, which was justified by searching for WMD's and 9/11 in order to secure oil rights (don't deny it).
But to close I must say a two words. Thank You.
To all soldiers of the people, whether they be American, Canadian, British, Taiwnese nationalist, Russian, African. Thank you, with out your kind's many, many heroic and selfless actions I would not be here, or be opressed or enslaved, and not know the freedom to which we all take so lightly. We will never forget. We all silently agree, in our heart of hearts, without You, there would be no peace, Freedom, Justice or responsibility. I only wish the people who led us were like the uniformed kind, but we may only wish.