Ok well i never much felt like capital ships packed enough punch for my taste they seem just a step up from a cruiser, the 3 capitals i might have with the average fleet are trivial compared to the 30 cruisers 2 or 3 of which basically eaqual a capital ship.
So i decided to basically multiplly my capitals by 3, weapon dammage, fighter squads, hulls and shields, and of course cost and build time, all times 3 of original value, i figured if i just keep the consistent factor of 3 i wont change any balance that capitals have against each other.
Anyway here are my questions
First and foremost would doing this create any significant balance issues or od ai behavior, other the of course shifting the power of the fleet more towards the caps which is the point?
Second i would also like to make the capitals appear larger, is there a simple numerical value anywhere that can be increased to make this happen or is the only way actually editing the models?
Third considering the new capitals i also wanted to increase the power of starbases to make sure they are not pushovers to the powered up caps. I found the weapon damage in the starbace entiry files but i cant see anything that refers to hull points or shields, so how would i go about increasing the hulls and shields of starbases?
This may be important. Im doing all this in the Distant Stars mod folder as that is the mod i want to play with these changes. But they have their entity files as BIN files, so what i did is i edited the capital entity files in the MS mod folder which has them as text files and replaced the DS files with the edited ones. Again not sure if this is important.
Of course briliant as i am i did not try to start the game after making the changes, and before posting here. So i get a mini dump. Im asuming this is because the files for DS have to be in BIN format. So if someone could point out the posible reasons for the error, and if it is indeed the format how do i go about changing the file format. So far all i have done is the capital changes, and i also cahnged the number of starbases to 3 in all the planet types that are the same for Mad Scientist and distant stars, also in the same manner editing the MS entity files and pasting into DS folder.