I haven't read all you were saying about topic, but maybe 2 sedna (with your beast) can help, they both with silence on 5 lvl. (and of course 2 pounce and 2 healing )
You go: spit, ooze, *save*, spit & ooze, foul grasp, ...
Only problem is most people play "no doubles." You could go sedna, beast, random and hope that you get sedna as your random, but that's a 1/8 chance of happening.
Otherwise I'd just go Beast (straight ooze / inner beast + grasp + blood favor) + Erebus (minion build, at least 1 point in charm, 1 in mist, and max out bat swarm / horn of battle favor / siege archers and monks) + Beast (straight spit / inner beast / grasp + serpent dagger) and laugh at them.
In that case, no matter any way you slice it, any way we do battle on the field, it would look like this:
They go a spit / ooze hybrid beast
1. beast ereb vs beast (ooze) erebus. I win. Have spit beast harass the rook on other side
2. beast rook vs beast(spit) beast(ooze). I win while erebus minion beats erebus assassin on other side
3. Beast rook vs beast(spit) erebus. I win while ooze beast beats erebus on other side
4. Beast rook vs beast (ooze) erebus. I win while beast(spit) beats hybrid beast on other side
5. ereb rook vs beast beast........ yeah
6. ereb rook vs beast(ooze) ereb. I win while spit beast beats hybrid beast on other side
7. ereb rook vs beast (spit) ereb. I win while ooze beast beats hybrid beast on other side
And best of all
8. 3v3. I win. get hit with boulder, laugh, grasp erebus as he swarms in for stun, spit on him while grasped, cast charm as soon as he's grasped, then bite him, graps him again. He's now surrounded by my 3 dg's and he either stays and fights (swarm is on cooldown) or he goes into mist to stay alive, leaving his army at 3v2 and he will eventually have to come out of mist just to get insta - grasped / charm / grasp all over again and die.
Hybrid beast has to neglect inner beast, while my beasts can build that nasty skill up. My beasts will always have better spit, and better ooze than someone who tries to go both.... while my guys also have inner beast nastiness and eventually acclimation (Zomg)
Ooze beast > assassin erebus / hybrid beast
Spit beast > rook / hybrid beast
Both beasts don't need mana helms, 1 beast has serpent dagger for infinite mana and boots, ooze beast has boots and only needs mana for grasp..... stack HP items / armor and sigils / tp's.
spit beast with infinite mana can start pushign towers at level 1, forcing them to play defensive, or come fight us. and if we screw up and lose towers early, high level spit will down a tower waayyyyy quick. And even the playing field.