Edit: go here https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/365777 to download the compilation.
The Sins of a Solar Empire Multiplayer GalaxyForge Compilation is a project that I am spearheading on behalf of the community. This is a community effort, and not specifically my project. Our goal is to create a lean selection of popular galaxyforge maps for multiplayer, and encourage multiplayer gamers to download it. In order to achieve this, we're going to need contribution and collaboration between content creators and the multiplayer gamers who will be using the compilation.
Sins shipped with approximately 50 premade maps available for singleplayer and multiplayer. However, most of these maps proved unsuitable or unpopular for multiplayer. Today, the vast majority of games played online use randomly generated maps. GalaxyForge maps have traditionally not been a viable alternative, since ICO does not support file transfer. This has left virtually no recourse for people seeking to play non-random maps in multiplayer.
The goal of the compilation project is to create a single standardized download with popular galaxyforge selections for multiplayer. We would encourage everyone who is active in the multiplayer community to download it. This would allow people to freely host from this selection of custom maps. The number of maps in the compilation would be approximately 30; enough to provide a great deal of variety, but not so much as to be overwhelming or to crowd the menu.
What Kind of Maps?
This is designed to be a multiplayer compilation, and as such we're looking for maps that would popular in multiplayer. This means reasonably sized (5-15 planets per player) and relatively well balanced. It should be the kind of map that doesn't take too long to complete. Really, so long as it's well designed it will be considered, but the key will be how the multiplayer testers receive it.
Stage 1 – Submissions
The first step in our plan is to have open submissions in which any map maker can submit their work for inclusion. We'd like you to restrict yourself to your ten best maps. If we get too many respondents, we may have to reduce the number of submissions allowed. I'm going to put up a tentative deadline of 11:59 PM September 30th (Pacific time) for submissions, but I may extend that if we're not yet ready to proceed to stage 2 at that time. If you have map preview images, you may submit them as well. To submit your work, just post in this thread and include a link to where we can download your maps.
Stage 2 – Comprehensive Release
We will release a beta version of our project with no more than 100 maps. We will then open a thread for discussion in which players can talk about multiplayer matches they had on specific maps and we can decide whether those maps are suitable for the final instalment. The stage 2 process will continue for some time until we have reduced the number of selected maps to approximately thirty.
Stage 3 – Final Compact Release
Once we've decided on our thirty maps (give or take), we'll make a formal release and encourage all active members in the multiplayer community to download it. We will continue to accept further submissions for consideration and in future versions may add new content, but this will otherwise be our final release. We will maintain both the Comprehensive and Compact release version into the future.
Thanks for your attention!